Meet our perfectly Club Quality kitties!

Special needs, specially abled and medically challenging kittens often never get a chance to live the fulfilling lives they deserve. Our foster sanctuary programs aims to change that. Below are a few of our current sanctuary kitties.


Fawn was rescued off the streets in the summer of 2023. She was first spotted dragging herself across a busy street on scalding asphalt desperate for food and water her body just skin and bones. How she came to be in injured is unknown. She had a severed spine and infected wounds and gashes along her lower half. Despite the immense pain she must have been in from the moment she was rescued she only purred with delight to be held and pet. Since there was nothing that could be done surgically or medically to improve or correct her paralysis she has adjusted to “scootie” life without issue. Due to her injuries she is incontinent, which simply means she gets expressed several times a day and wears a diaper in case of any accidents which are very rare for her. Today Fawn is thriving in her foster home in our sanctuary program. Her hobbies include lounging in a soft bed warmed by the afternoon sun and chasing able bodied cats at lightning speed.


Edison was survived a dog attack only to be left paralyzed and helpless outdoors. When he was rescued he had such intense urine and fecal scald his skin was falling off the bone and took months to heal. Edison is has partial paralysis in his back legs which allows him to glide rather than scoot. He is also incontinent so he is diapered to prevent accidents, which are few and far between. Edison’s personality is not like anything anyone would expect in a cat. He is stealth like in his movements almost appearing out of nowhere with the silliest meow/scream for attention. Edison is thriving in his foster home in our sanctuary program. His strangeness evolving each and every day.


Leo was born with an encephalocele and hydrocephalus meaning his skull never fully formed leaving a hole where cerebral spinal fluid and brain tissue was able to protrude forming a bubble on top of his head. He was just a tiny three week old kitten off a rural shelters euthanasia list and oh so fragile. As he’s grown the hole in his skull has become smaller in size and all of his brain tissue is now safely within his skull with only CSF protruding through. Leo is truly one in a million and is living his best life in our foster sanctuary program with his best friend Allie.


Fiona was found gaunt and emaciated dragging her small body around an unhoused encampment. Once she was picked up by animal control her time began winding down as her overall condition and paralysis meant she would be euthanized if no rescue was found. She arrived weak and sick, but with so much care she’s blossomed into an incredibly sassy scootie. Fiona or “Fifi” is currently thriving in her sanctuary foster home.


Roya arrived in 2023 from a local shelter after she was deemed unadoptable due to her cerebellar hypoplasia. While she may move a little different than most kitties she has absolutely no idea her groovin’ is any different. She can do nearly everything a typical kitty cat can apart from jumping on counters, which her foster family finds is a big plus to her quirky condition.