First Name
Last Name
Do own or rent your home? If you rent, do you have your landlord's permission to foster?
Please provide ages for all members of the household, including yourself and the names of anyone 18+:
Place of Employment of all those in the home.
Provide the name, species, breed and age of any pet(s) in the home.
If you have cats are they allowed outdoors? If so, are they indoor/outdoor, strictly outdoor or leash/harness trained with supervised outdoor time.
Are all pets up to date on vaccinations?
Veterinarian name and telephone number:
Have you fostered an animal before?
Have you recently fostered for another organization? If so please include the organization, animals, and when you stopped fostering.
Are you looking to foster-to-adopt? (If so you must also submit an adoption application).
We recommend that new foster animals remain isolated from owned pets to reduce the possibility of behavior issues or the spread of illness. Do you have the ability to quarantine a foster for a minimum of two weeks?
What is your planned foster set up? Ex: a bathroom, spare bedroom, entire home, etc.
Are you open to fostering cats with special needs?
Are you comfortable administering medications?
Are there any ages or conditions you’re not comfortable with?
Are you signing up to be a short-term foster? If so, please provide the dates you'd like to foster!
Hurricane prep is a part of life here. Are you able to keep your fosters in your care in the event of any evacuation?
When would you be able to begin fostering?
How did you hear about us?
Social media handles
Any additional comments or information you'd like to share.
I am at least 21 years of age.
I agree to keep the animal safe and secure, return it to Tomato Foster Club when requested to do so, and not promise the animal to anyone, or imply that I have the authority to approve a potential adoption. Tomato Foster Club retains ownership of all animals placed in foster care, and will make all decisions regarding the adoption and placement of the animals fostered. I understand that I am choosing to foster animals at my own risk. I understand that Tomato Foster Club makes no guarantees relating to the animals’ health, behavior or actions. I acknowledge that Tomato Foster Club is not responsible for any property damage or personal injury suffered by me, members of my household, including my own animals, or any third parties during a foster placement, and I assume liability to provide adequate controls to prevent such damage or injury.
I have read and understand the statements above. I certify that all the information contained in this application is true and correct.