TNR (Trap Neuter Return) is a vital part of cat welfare and the most humane + effective way to control and manage stray/feral cat populations.
How it works: Cats are humanely trapped, brought into a veterinary clinic for spay/neuter surgery, vaccinated for rabies, ear-tipped (to indicate they have been altered) and returned back to the location they were trapped. Some recommend that when foster or permanent homes are available, young kittens and friendly adults can be removed and placed for adoption. We do not recommend this unless there is a medical need to do so as shelter and rescues are full - with many cats already facing euthanasia due to lack of space and adoptive homes.
If you have unfixed cats in your area submit the form provided. We can loan you a trap and provide you with the necessary supplies you’ll need.
If you want to get involved in TNR in your neighborhood join our TNR team and we’ll give you all the tools and supplies you’ll need!